The Main Reason For Risperdal Lawsuit

The antipsychotic drug Risperdal, which was initially thought to be a safe and effective medication, can cause young boys to develop female breast tissue. Lawsuits against drug maker Johnson & Johnson have been filed by thousands of patients and some of them have received a sizeable amount of compensation. However, there have been a number of complications reported to the FDA about the drug. Some of the most commonly reported health concerns are: Seizures Flu, fevers, chills, body aches, headaches Drooling or uncontrollable shaking (tremors) High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) Fast or uneven heartbeats, confusion Stiff muscles or restless muscle movements Changes in cholesterol Weight gain Risperdal class action lawsuit has been filed by the victims of the severe cases of Risperdal. Gynecomastia is a condition in which a young male experiences benign breast tissue growth. It is also common that due to the increased levels of prolactin, men might develop gala...